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How To Find Keywords For My Website – Keyword Tools

Keywords or also known as keywords, are undoubtedly the ones that help your ad ou your Web page to rank among the first , during a related search. For this reason, for SEO and online marketing users, it is important to use tools that make it easier for them to research keywords.


However, most of them are paid. But fortunately, there are free tools that allow you to search for keywords without any cost and guarantee you impressive results.

According to this, the main objective of this article is to introduce you to the best tools to search for keywords without any complications and thus your website can perform better in internet traffic. After knowing that, let’s move on to what’s really important.

What is keyword research and what is it for?

The first thing you need to know is that through keyword research you can identify the most relevant words when positioning your website. With the main aim of increasing the number of visits, because if you have the keywords, when you search for related information in the browser, your web page will be one of the first to appear. Here is the importance to know where to place them and which ones are most ideal for your website.

In general, keywords are the most important in content on the Web . Therefore, it is of great relevance to users who are dedicated to SEO. If so, you will surely go for some tools to help you in this process. For this reason, we will present the best to you here.

Free keyword research tools

You’ve probably heard of some keyword research tools before, or maybe you’ve used one before. However, most of them are paid, but luckily there are some that are completely free, reliable, and generate good results.

Here we will present you the best:

  • Google Keyword Planner

One of the most useful and popular tools for users is the Keyword Planner, owned by Google. One of the main advantages of this platform is that it indicates the number of searches per month that a word has on Google. This being an important detail when selecting your keyword.

  • google trends

Another of the programs that Google offers us is this tool, useful to know the trend of a keyword . In this way, the user will be able to see the growth of a word in question and thus determine if this helps them to gain visits to their website.

  • Google Search Console

Like the Google Search Consol previously discussed, this is another Google program for searching for keywords. Its function is to indicate the main keywords by which users access your website or blog.

In this way, it is likely that it will recommend some keywords that you did not add and thus increase the number of visits.

  • Keyword shitter

The main objective of this tool is to search for keywords using the entered keyword . Be efficient in getting a series of words, which will allow you to increase the number of visits.

  • Found 

Using Found, users have the ability to find different keywords, including combining several words . It also offers quality and automatic service.

Likewise, you have to take into account that there are many other tools for getting keywords. However, these are the best and most used. They also have the particularity of being free . The important thing is that you can optimize them to the maximum and get the best possible results from it.

Likewise, it is important that you keep in mind that on our website you can get related and interesting information, such as the way to put a success counter in WordPress .


source: / en/tutoriels/comment-trouver-des-mots-cles-pour-mon-site-web-outils-de-mots-cles/